IT Landes Shines Light on Suicide Prevention Awareness within the Construction Industry

Did you know? Construction workers have the highest number of suicides across all occupations (CDC). The month of September is suicide prevention month. Due to its stigma, it’s sometimes easier to move past this without giving it a second thought; however, a goal for IT Landes® this year was to raise awareness of the severity of mental health and suicide in the workplace. Working together to shatter the stigma surrounding mental health issues.

Construction workers are at a heightened risk for suicide for various reasons that can all be addressed- starting with changing the culture in the workplace. The Construction Industry Alliance for Suicide Prevention provides resources and tools to create a zero-suicide industry by uniting and supporting the construction community.
If you or someone you know is struggling with depression or suicidal thoughts, get help today. Call the 24/7 National Suicide Prevention line at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) for guaranteed immediate support. Educate yourself on the signs of suicide to keep you and your loved ones safe.

During the month, IT Landes had the privilege to hear Michelle Walker, CCIFP, CRIS, SPHR, a past CIASP chair, and current board member, discuss the topic of mental health and suicide prevention in the workplace.
After Michelle and her colleagues heard about just how many suicides were happening in the construction industry it encouraged her to bring this serious issue to light and create the Construction Industry Alliance for Suicide Prevention.
In her message, she discusses why mental health/suicide is an issue, what we can all do to address it, and why it’s ok to not be ok.
If you are interested in hearing her presentation, please click the link :

On Saturday, September 17th, a group of volunteers from IT Landes® gathered together to help out at the St. Luke’s Penn Foundation’s Recovery Walk on Main Street in Souderton. Our volunteers were flagging intersections as the walkers passed through. The weather was beautiful and IT Landes was happy to be able to participate in this event.
Thank you to our volunteers, listed below, who took time out of their weekends to give back to the community. It was a huge success!
Elyse Paul
Ken Paul
Herman Yeager
Jed Krauss
Brian Purdy
Tim McNeff

What should you be on the lookout for when it comes to signs of suicide in your family or at work? According to the Construction Industry Alliance for Suicide Prevention, there are several things to look for in those struggling. Make yourself aware of these signs to be able to identify them in yourself or someone who may be struggling, privately. The warning signs may include:
◾ Consistent depression or sadness
◾ Talking about feeling trapped/ wanting to die
◾ Mood swings
◾ Alcohol or drug use increasing
◾ Lack of self-confidence
◾ Hopelessness or helplessness
◾ Too much or too little sleep
◾ Anxiety, recklessness, or easy irritation
◾ Pulling away from loved ones
◾ Talking about being a burden to those they are around
◾ There are also some warning signs specific to construction workers.
These include:
◾ Lack of productivity
◾ Increased conflict between co-workers
◾ Lots of accidents and injuries
◾ Lack of problem-solving
◾ Tardiness and missing work
Don’t stop at the knowledge of these signs. Be on the lookout in the workplace and in those around you. Make sure to be aware of the signs and point people in the right direction or talk to someone who can help. Know what you can do to get the suicide rate down today!

What can YOU do? First and foremost, educate yourself on the facts and be informed of the signs of someone struggling, the resources available, and what can be done to help. If you or someone you know is struggling, get help TODAY. As many people struggle with stress and anxiety during the COVID-19 crisis, suicide prevention skills are more needed than ever.
Scan the QR code to be directed to training through Living Works and educate yourself on the reality of suicide in construction. Staying informed and guiding people to seek help could result in saving many lives.